"Our shoes are made in a small factory near to the city of Porto in Portugal. A country (which we're proud to say) derives over 70% of its energy from renewable sources, the highest in Europe. They employ 70 local workers and are committed to high standards of ethical manufacturing. The factory has a strict non-toxic policy and they recycle nearly all their waste products, including fabric off-cuts and water.
- production is based in Portugal
- reasonable work shifts
- no child or forced labor
- non-discriminatory work environments
- safe and hygienic work environments
- controlled employment relationship
We use Environmentally Conscious Materials
- all products are handmade in Portugal
- vegetable & chrome free tanned leathers from Portugal
- we try to source our materials locally in the region of Porto whenever possible
- soles and laces made from all-natural materials
- organic cotton/ organic cork
- vegan products as recycled and breathable artificial leathers*
- boxes made from recycled materials
- transportation: short distances and carbon-neutral"
(link: http://www.ekinfootwear.de/about text: More information)